Nina and Hafod Coach Owen
Situation: Nina suffers with poor mental health as well as numerous physical health conditions. Coach Owen has been working with them to help them overcome their challenges, such as coping with general day to day tasks, managing their medication, improving their mental health and help to move home.
Owen has had conversations with their GP to request some supporting information to help support a move, and to also discuss some mental health support, which led to them being referred onto a mental health provider. He has also been liaising with the mental health team and support worker, having general conversations and providing updates in relation to their wellbeing and mental health as he speaks to them very regularly.
Action: To help the Nina overcome their low mental health and isolation by actively engaging with them on a regular basis and support them with a move away from their home to a more suitable property; whilst making necessary referrals to outside agencies.
Outcome: Nina has very recently moved into a more suitable home, and Owen hopes this will have a positive impact on their physical and mental health and wellbeing.
Engagement with: GP, Mental Health Team, Barry Hospital, Llandough Hospital, Tenancy Support Worker