Alex and Hafod Coach Katie
Situation: Coach Katie recognised some deterioration in Alex's mental health
Action: Alex has a diagnosis of bipolar (a personality disorder), anxiety and depression. They have been sectioned under the Mental Health Act in the past.
Taking a coaching approach and working closely with Alex over a number of years has enabled Katie to recognise the signs of when they are becoming unwell and take steps to support them before their health deteriorates to the point they may be sectioned.
Katie phoned Alex recently regarding her rent account, but they did not answer. Katie recognises that when Alex is becoming unwell, they tend to become withdrawn. Alex responds well to WhatsApp messages so after several messages Katie managed to ascertain from Alex that they were completely off their prescription medication as their psychiatrist in the hospital had moved on to a different role and no one had picked up Alex's ongoing care. Therefore, their medication had not been prescribed and delivered to her home.
It is essential at this stage that Alex seeks help from medical professionals as if they do not the likelihood of them slipping into psychosis is very high. With Alex's permission Katie contacted their doctor and advised them that they were currently off prescribed medication, and their mental health was deteriorating. Katie asked them to arrange a telephone consultation with Alex with a view to assessing their current situation and getting the medication re-prescribed urgently. Katie advised Alex to expect the call from the doctors.
Outcome: Historically, an extended period of Alex not taking their medication has resulted in psychosis and hospitalisation. Alex is now back on their prescribed medication and feeling a lot better. Through Katie's swift actions we have prevented an extended stay in hospital.