Population health
Housing is at the core of overall population health and the level of care and support undertaken in the housing sector is more advanced than historically and therefore in a stronger position to compensate for certain aspects of services delivered through the NHS. Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board/Housing Associations research report (2022) shone a spotlight on the relationship between health and housing tenures. Based on a sample of 30,000 households, this represented the largest such research undertaking in Wales.
Regarding emergency admissions, early death rates, vaccination take up levels, it showed glaring inequalities among social housing residents. This research builds on existing social housing data (STAR) showing significantly high levels of housing association households containing one or more individuals who are registered disabled or with a long-term limiting illness. Ultimately, what service redesign requirements does this raise as well as the means by which housing associations collaborate and pool resources using non-traditional means.
This collaboration also highlights the value of shared data protocols as well as placing a spotlight on difficulties encountered to undertake such valuable exercises. It should not take 18 months to secure necessary approvals.