Redesigning neighbourhoods 

Neighbourhoods require a reappraisal of housing, asset management and development strategies so that they are aligned to a world where scarcity of resources is forcing a rethink about how we interact with and use spaces, how we live and work and how we design our built environment. It includes reusing vacant spaces, retrofitting, lightweight rooftop extensions, etc.

Hafod should aspire to be at the vanguard of the ‘Streets of the Future’: multi-dimensional, simultaneously adapting to food scarcities, isolation, ness, caring responsibilities through communal kitchens, co-working landscape, community shared energy zones, etc. Much of this thinking was referenced in the Hafod Caring for the Future vision and remains even truer today. 

It requires creative utilisation of green spaces so that they can be deployed to grow vegetation, biodiversity, become places of fun etc. The beneficial impact on physical and mental health is well-documented. How many such spaces do we own that are under-utilised?