What to do if you get a Migration Notice letter.
I’ve received a Universal Credit Migration Notice letter, what do I do?
Make sure you read what is in the letter. If it’s telling you to claim Universal Credit, this will not be done automatically, so it’s important to follow the instructions in the letter, otherwise your benefits will stop by the deadline in your letter. If you claim Tax Credit and recently renewed your claim, you still need to claim Universal Credit after you get a notice letter.
Do I have to move to Universal Credit?
Once you get your migration notice and the date to apply by your other old benefits will stop. If you rely on the income from your benefits to manage your household budget, you probably will want to claim Universal Credit so you can keep getting support.
When is the deadline?
Your migration notice letter will specify a date by which a Universal Credit claim must be made. The usual deadline is three months from the date you received your migration letter.
If you cannot make your claim for Universal Credit by the date in the letter, you can ask the DWP for an extension. You can call the Universal Credit Migration Notice helpline on 0800 169 0328. You can only get an extension before your deadline.
Transitional protection
Some claimants will be entitled to less money on Universal Credit than they will normally get from their legacy benefits. If this is the case, there’ll be transitional protection for people moving over to Universal Credit, so they are not financially worse off. This protection is only available to people who have received a migration notice and claim by the deadline date on their letter or people who have Severe Disability Premium in their legacy benefits. Transitional protection may reduce or stop over time when you have a change of circumstances.
How should I claim Universal Credit?
You can claim Universal Credit online or you can call the dedicated helpline for people who received migration notices. Remember to speak to a benefits advisor before you start your application.
You can start your application online or call the Universal Credit Migration Notice helpline on 0800 169 0328.