We asked: With summer school holidays fast approaching, we would like to know what your financial worries are this summer?
Who took part?
- 59 customers took part (45 entered the prize draw)
- 28 said they had school aged children
- 31 said they did not have school aged children
You told us:
Please rank the five options with the top one being the one you are most concerned about.
- 29% Purchasing school uniforms
- 27% Additional food costs
- 17% Reduced working hours
- 15% Affording days out or holidays
- 12% Childcare costs
We also gave the opportunity for customers to share thier financial worries this summer
You shared:
"It's very difficult for working families over the holidays to take time off from work to go out places with children because it is expensive. We do a lot of free days out, but with our weather this can be limiting.”
“Childcare is the hardest for me as I work full time as a single mum with no support.”
“With the cost-of-living times are extremely difficult for families. Even having a treat like a takeaway is something we cannot look forward to any longer.”
“Cost of uniform - keeping the kids occupied.”
“As a mother that co-parents and has her children with no financial support I worry about all aspects but mostly additional food costs and costs for activities during the holidays, finding free days out with no transport is hard.”
How we have and will use your feedback:
- Our Back to School Essentials Fund opens on 8 July for it's second year. We helped 134 Children last year and want to help even more this year. Keep an eye out in your Connect eNews for how to apply.
- We will use a voucher issuing system that enables customers to choose where they would like to spend their vouchers to suit their needs and can be saved for a time when they need it.
- Our teams will explore how we can support families this summer with additional food costs.