For the housing provider, who is committed to achieving net-zero by 2036, decarbonising existing homes is a critical aspect of its journey.
Under this third round of Optimised RetroFit Programme (ORP) funding, Hafod has received £2million to carry out the work and has injected an additional £500K.
The social landlord will utilise the funding to carry out three retrofit projects across South Wales. By fitting a variety of energy-saving technologies in homes, we aim to learn more about the effective decarbonisation of social housing, while also increasing the energy-efficiency and comfort of customers’ homes.
Optimised RetroFit is a whole house, pragmatic, approach to decarbonising existing homes. Having successfully delivered two projects fitting solar PV under previous rounds of ORP funding, Hafod is committed to ongoing sustainability work on its route to net zero.
Decarbonisation work is being planned to be undertaken on semi-detached houses, an apartment block, as well as a Sheltered Accommodation scheme. These different property types each have their own challenges, so evaluation of the different techniques will take place throughout the process.
A ground source heat pump and solar panels with an innovative distribution box, are among the technologies that will be utilised.
Reviewing multiple factors such as installation, maintenance, value for money and impact on customers energy usage and bills, Hafod hopes to learn from the techniques for the benefit of future projects and will share its learning with others across the sector.
To assist with this, the organisation has created two new roles, Decarbonisation Engagement Officer and Decarbonisation Surveyor, and has invested in the sustainability awareness of colleagues across the business.
Hafod has signed contracts with three decarbonisation contractors, NetZero Collective, Bell Group and Liv Green, who will each manage a different project.
Work across all three sites has now begun and Sarah Hancock, Head of Asset Management, said: "The Assets team at Hafod are really excited to commence works at the three sites identified using the ORP funding we have received from the Welsh Government.
“This money will help us on our journey to net zero and to achieving WHQS 2023 but more importantly it will help our customers in reducing fuel poverty and by giving them warm, safe and secure homes which are relatively cheap to maintain and hopefully a home for life."
Hafod CEO Jas Bains said: “We are thrilled to expand on this new chapter for Hafod, with thanks to this additional funding from the Welsh Government.
“We are committed to continue to plan and invest in retrofit works, using innovative technologies to ensure our residents live in energy efficient homes, whilst reducing carbon emissions in South Wales.”