Close up of a mobile phone in use

We would like to hear your views on improving our self-service options

We are hoping you and as many customers as possible will share their views on the possible introduction of a web-based customer portal. 

With one secure login, the portal will enable you to:

  • report repairs
  • view your rent statements
  • update your contact detail
  • access important documents like your contract 
  • receive notifications/alerts to help you manage your home
  • plus lots more!

By sharing your views you are helping us to improve services and change things for the better for you and for all of our customers. Your answers are anonymous, unless you choose to leave your details at the end of the survey and the questions should take less than two minutes to complete.

If you have a question or need help on how to complete the questions, please get in touch with us by emailing

Share your views with us

Published: Tuesday, 7th November 2023