Couple holding their baby and looking out their patio doors

We’re launching our annual customer survey for contract holders in November, giving you the opportunity to tell us what you think we’re doing well and where we need to improve.

Your views are important to us as it helps us to gain a better understanding of your experience of our services. 

We're working with Acuity, a market research company, to gather your feedback.

During November and December, Acuity will be telephoning and emailing contract holders on our behalf to ask you what you think about your home and the services we provide. All feedback is reported to Welsh Government. 

Your responses are anonymous, unless you choose to leave your contact details, and the survey should take no longer than 10 minutes of your time.

If you have any concerns or want to check that the phone call or email is genuine before taking part, please get in touch with our Customer Services team on 0800 024 8968 or email

For further information, please read our frequently asked questions below.


Who are Acuity? 
Acuity are a market research company who specialise in working with the social housing sector. They help housing associations gather feedback through surveys to help them better understand their customers and improve their services. You can find out more about Acuity, here.

Who will be asked to take part?
During November and December, Acuity will be contacting Hafod contract holders selected at random by telephone and they will also email everyone we hold an email address for. 

The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes of your time.

When will they call?
Acuity only make calls Monday to Friday between 9am and 8pm, and Saturdays between 10am and 6pm. They will allow the telephone to ring for a minimum of 25 seconds, or until a voice-mail system kicks in, to ensure customers with mobility issues are given sufficient time to get to the phone.

How will I know it’s Acuity?
If you receive a call from Acuity, the number displayed will be 01273 093939, which is a Brighton area code. Emails will be sent from

They will not ask for any bank details or personal information other than confirming they are speaking to the right person. 

Please be aware of potential scams – if you think something isn’t right, please contact our Customer Services team on 0800 024 8968 or  

Is the information I give confidential and anonymous?
The survey is strictly confidential and your responses are anonymous. However, if you wish to give Acuity your name so that we can investigate a particular matter, you can.

Published: Friday, 27th October 2023