TPAS Cymru award winners collecting their award and certificate.

Customer Scrutiny Panel are recognised for their flexible approach to scrutinising at recent awards event.

Congratulations to our Scrutiny Panel who won at the recent TPAS Cymru Good Practice Awards in the Involving Tenants in Shaping and Scrutinising Services category for their approach to scrutinising the flexi way!

Our Scrutiny Panel is made up of volunteer customers and plays a key role in helping to improve our services. The Panel meet regularly to review performance and make recommendations to ensure our customers have a voice, placing them at the heart of everything we do. 

The panel were shocked to be shortlisted in the last six, but they shone through and are worthy winners!

Customers and Scrutiny Panel members, Mike and Julian, attended the gala evening and accepted the awards on behalf of the panel, along with Michelle McGregor, our Customer Engagement Officer.

Julian, said: “I’m in shock that we won. I know we do good work and work well together, but never expected to win, This makes all the hard work worth it!”

Mike added: “The support Hafod gives us, especially Michelle, makes it easier for us to make scrutiny happen.”

Michelle was thrilled for the customers' work to be recognised. She said: “This award is not only for the work of the Scrutiny Panel but also for the other ways we capture customers insight, through Question of the Month and mystery shopping. Everyone involved should be really proud of their achievements as without you this wouldn’t be possible.”

If you're interested in playing a key role in helping to shape and improve our services, see how you can get involved.

Published: Wednesday, 12th July 2023