XL Bully Dogs

I have/want an XL bully dog 

Since the end of 2023 it has been a legal requirement for all XL Bully dogs to be kept muzzled and on a lead in public.  

It is also illegal to breed, sell, advertise, exchange, gift, abandon, or let XL Bully dogs stray. 

If you own an XL bully, you must provide us with a copy of a Certificate of Exemption when you request permission. You will also need to confirm that the dog has been neutered and provide evidence that you have third party public liability insurance for your dog. 


I’m not sure if my dog is an XL Bully 

If you are concerned that your dog is an XL bully, you should take a precautionary approach. This means taking precautions as though it is this breed. You should contact your local police force for advice.  

A suspected XL bully breed type does not need to fit perfectly into the physical description. If your dog meets minimum height requirements and also has a substantial number of shared characteristics it could be classified as an XL bully type.  

This means that a dog could be considered an XL bully breed type even if it was not sold as an XL bully, or if it is a cross breed that looks more like XL bully dogs than any other type of dog.  


Will I be refused permission to keep an XL bully? 

We will not allow you to keep an XL bully if you do not have and cannot provide us with the required documentation. 

Permission to keep an XL bully will not be given in certain properties, for example: 

  • Extra Care and retirement schemes 

  • homes with internal and/or external communal areas  


Where can I get more information about the XL bully breed?

You can find out more information here: