Find out how we heard our customers voice in 2023/24 and what has changed as a result
27,436times opened our Connect eNewsletter | 249responses to Question of the Month | 48accessed our Databank project |
688completed the STAR survey | 617gave feedback on our repairs service | 64Scrutiny Panel volunteer hours |
119attended topical groups/events | 31Social Value projects supported | 6mystery shoppers reviewed our customer service and website |
What has changed as a result?
- Created greater awareness for our customers on the services we offer online has helped us to identify barriers for our customers using the website and driven us to look for solutions
- 5 Scrutiny Panel members continue to ensure we are hearing the customers voice and give recommendations for change from a customer's perspective
- 31 projects recieveed a total of £13,500 funding to support community projects and cost of living support through Social Value fund
- 48 customers/colleagues who have benefitted from accessing the Databank have made a total saving of £5,270.40