Our floating housing-related support services enable people to remain independent and prevent the threat of homeless when people are vulnerably housed.

Two ladies chatting and drinking tea on a window seat

RCT Floating Support

This large floating support service operates across the Rhondda Valley supporting 540 people.


Support for families


This floating support service provides housing related support for families who are vulnerably housed in the Vale of Glamorgan.


Support for adults with additional needs


This floating support service works with adults with additional needs who are vulnerably housed.


Vale Floating Support

This large floating support service operates across the Vale of Glamorgan, supporting over 100 people/households at any one time.



Support for older people

Bridgend Sycamore Service

This floating support service support older people accross Bridgend County Borough in the community and in the various extra care settings across the local authority. It also operates a hospital discharge service, supporting people to return home swiftly and safely after periods of time in hospital.

Golau Caredig Older Persons Support Service

This service supports older people across the Vale of Glamorgan, in the community and in various extra care/older persons settings, including Golau Caredig.